Part time job for students in Bangalore
Are you a student with excellent English writing skills and looking for a part time job? We have some excellent opportunities for you as Creative Content Developer.The job is based on Bangalore and you have to visit our office in Sarjapur Rd, Bangalore atleast 4 hours in a week to understand the tasks for next few days and also to review the previously completed tasks. Time is flexible. You may work remaining hours from your work after taking the assignments from our office.
* This is not a get rich scheme or make money from home offer *
This is a typical content writing job where we pay for your hard work. If you think this is a shortcut to make huge money, sorry this is not the right job.
The job is to write articles for us on the topics given by us. Topics will be related to technology, gadgets, latops, tablet PC, smartphones, Windows, Android, iPad etc.
This job is just like any other job like teaching, bank job etc. Payment will be according to your hardwork and quality of the work.
There is no registration or payment from your side needed. If you are recruited, we will give you a 1 day free training to you on search engine optimization and some basic creative writing tips.
Other than the 4 hours you work in our office, you can spend as many hours as possible from your home. You need high speed internet so that you can refer authentic sources for reference.
This job is ideal for college students and possibly house wives, provided you have *excellent English skills*.
No specific education is required but excellent language skills is mandatory.
We are looking for couple of other people to do video review of gadgets. We will provide the gadgets and you need to review them and record them in the video camera in our office. You should have good, video friendly face and sound and so interest in gadgets so that you can describe the gadgets with lot of enthusiasm.
If you think you are a good candidate, contact us directly.
If you refer a friend and if the friend is recruited, you will be paid Rs 1,000 referral bonus after the friend completes 3 months with us.